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USA | Exorcist Enters the Novitiate of the Dominican Fraternity

Msgr. Patrick 'Peter-Martyr" Brankin receives congratulations from Fr. Blake, Fr. Monshau, and Bishop Slattery

Msgr. Patrick Brankin, a priest of the Archdiocese of Chicago who ministers as the exorcist for the Diocese of Tulsa, Oklahoma, was clothed in the Dominican scapular and began his novitiate year with the Priestly Fraternities of St. Dominic on Sunday, October 4, at Holy Family Church in Oglesby, Illinois. Holy Family is the parish of Fr. Gary Blake, novice master for the Chicago Province of the Priestly Fraternities of the Province of Chicago.

The COVID-19 pandemic severely restricted the number of guests who could attend the vestition rite. Bishop Edward Slattery, retired bishop of Tulsa, accompanied Msgr. Brankin to Illinois. Others present were Fr. Gary Blake, novice master, and Father Michael Monshau, O.P., Provincial Promoter for the Priestly Fraternities of St. Dominic for the Chicago Province of St. Albert the Great.

Msgr. Brankin will be a member of the St. Vincent Ferrer Chapter of River Forest, Illinois; he was given the religious name of Brother Peter-Martyr.

fr. Michael Monshau, O.P.





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