In order to respond to the provisions of the 2010 General Chapter (ACG 2010 Rome, n˚ 233), there will be an international assembly of representatives of the PRIESTLY FRATERNITIES OF ST. DOMINIC, which also aims to provide an opportunity to promote their life and mission, especially in the context of the Jubilee of the Order. This gathering, which will be held on 22-26 February 2016, at the Casa del Pellegrino, San Sisto, Rome, Italy, also aims to come up with relevant recommendations for the General Chapter of the friars later in the same year in Bologna, Italy.
The assembly aims to gather sufficient representation, namely, 1 friar (preferably the promoter) and 1 secular priest (member), from each Province/Fraternity. In the interest of promoting greater awareness in the Order about the Dominican Priestly Fraternities, the assembly is also encouraging Provinces, where there is yet no presence of the fraternity, to send a friar as a representative.
Program. The actual conference begins on February 22 and ends on February 26, but we recommend that you arrive in Rome on the 20th, Saturday, in order to take advantage of the Pope’s Angelus on the following day, February 21, at the St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican. The accommodation that we have arranged covers only 20-27 February 2016.
Financial concern. We implore the generosity of your Province to offer financial assistance to the secular priest representing the Province if there need be. To the best of its ability, the General Curia shall shoulder the expenses for accommodation and other logistic requirements in Rome.
Language recommendation. It would help us to better facilitate the discussions if your Province could send a representative who speaks English. This would help us economize by saving on the cost of translation. However, if this is not possible, we will arrange for translators according to your need. Please indicate your language of preference based on the official languages used by the Order: English, Spanish, French.
Things to prepare. We likewise would like to request you to prepare the following for the assembly: (You may also send them in advance to sacerdotes@curia.op.org)
1. WRITTEN STATUS REPORT OF THE FRATERNITY IN THE PROVINCE (If any). A brief description about the fraternity’s beginnings, its current members, activities, and other relevant information; this is to facilitate a more accurate update of the status of the priestly fraternities in the Order.
2. WRITTEN EVALUATION OF THE RULE. A reflective assessment of the Rule of the Priestly Fraternities of St. Dominic (Latin, English, Spanish, French, Italian), as well as comments and suggestions, if any.
3. OTHER RECOMMENDATIONS. We suggest that there be a forum for the members of the fraternity (if any), together with the promoter, to come up with recommendations on the following:
a. specific mission of the Dominican Priestly Fraternities
b. manner of organizing the Fratemities in the midst of the Order
c. needs and expectations in order to strengthen the mission of the Order in the Fraternities
Rite of Profession. If the secular priest representing your Province has not yet made his profession, we are glad to inform you that we can arrange for him to have it during the assembly, possibly in the presence of the Master of the Order.
Br. Florentino Bolo, OP, Coordinator for the Priestly Fraternities of the Order
Br. Orlando Rueda Acevedo, OP, Socius for the Apostolic Life